Thursday, January 24, 2013


While Petra wine rants about pretty things, I obsess about food.
And so, this story starts and ends like this:

I love Kafta. Full stop. 

What follows is thus pure compulsive behaviour; the quest for the best kebab sandwich in town; 

In the heart of the Armenian quarter of Beirut, on a busy street in Burj Hammoud, a small hole in the wall. Fantastically kitsch; Turquoise blue facade, green plastic vine leaves decorating the Pepsi fridge, a kind of a creepy, ugly, bobbing head dog with a silver collar next to the window, a bar for 5 people facing the charcoal grill where all the magic happens. A wife dicing vegetables in the back, and a husband preparing and serving you. The whole package. 


Where everything is so good! Orfali sandwich is what I order. And Arayess. And Hummus. 
The Orfali one is only available in summer. Because it has aubergines in it, the owner refuses to serve it when aubergines are out of season. But aubergines are never out of season!! Yes he would answer, but they're not as juicy and yummy in winter time. Come back in February he would tell you.
Then he would start telling you about this Hummus he just served you. The beans have been boiling since 4 this morning. On low heat. Because this is how you keep the flavor. Low heat and long hours.
And while your mouth waters only looking at those Arayess dripping behind him on the fire, he cuts your next sandwich in 2, hands you and your partner each a half, and looks out from behind his thick glasses to check the ecstatic look on your face with the first bite, before going back to slowly making, one after the other, sandwiches that fill your heart as much as your belly.

I obviously can not tell you enough about this place. You have to try it out.
But I have noticed one thing while writing this post; besides serving great food, what I love most about this place is how everybody takes so much pride in what they're doing. 

To me, it's probably that pride that brings those sandwiches so close to perfection.


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