Monday, December 10, 2012


I've been asked if I love Beirut. More times than I care to remember. I have never known how to answer that. I love it sometimes. Often I do not. Most people I know can relate. I hate the question though: hard fact.

Luana pushes me to do a lot of things. Mostly they are things that I know are good on the long run. This is one of them. She insisted we start this project. Actually, she gave me no c
hoice. She put it simply. She said this is a reminder for us that we are doing something for ourselves in this city. For what we have. What we live. Here. Now.

And yes, it is bittersweet because that is exactly how we feel about Beirut. And we just live it.

We're taking it one step at a time. It's the spaces we love. The people we love. The ideas we love. The events we love. And the crap we don't.
So here goes...

'Give a damn. Many damns. More damns than anyone'
~ Alexis Ohanian


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